With narratives shaped to be:

  • immersive

  • logical

  • emotionally impactful

  • true to life

Enticing your readers
to turn the page

Gen AI watercolor - black woman reading a book
Gen AI watercolor - black woman reading a book

Editing Services

Free consultation

An online call to discuss your current project and editing needs, and to see if we'd be a good match. You can even opt to get a live demonstration of how I edit using a portion of your work!

Recommended for anyone considering hiring an editor.

Manuscript review
Book therapy

Like life, writing is hard and sometimes you need a little professional help. This coaching session provides a clearer direction for your writing project and reduces the potential for future major redos.

Recommended for those struggling to pin a concept to the page.

Finished your first draft and not sure where it needs more work? Wondering how to fix that plot hole? This editorial assessment gives you an overview of your story elements and advice for improvement.

Recommended for those who have a complete project needing review.

Structural edit

Even the best stories need an edit to establish smooth pacing, plot progression, and meaningful character/argument development. Ensure your narrative is effectively organized with a full structural edit.

Recommended for those wanting a 'big picture' edit for their book.

Full book edit

Includes a manuscript review, structural edit, line edit, and light copy edit. This will iron out most narrative and grammar issues in your book and make it presentable to a literary agent or publisher.

Recommended for anyone serious about publishing their work.

Customized service

Want to mix and match a line edit with a manuscript review? Get tailored editing to match the needs, and budget, of your unique writing project by combining any of the services offered.

Recommended for when no other editing service fits.

Authenticity read

Get a trained eye on your work to catch blind spots, internalized biases, or potentially problematic descriptions of people or communities in your writing. This is also known as sensitivity reading.

Recommended to ensure your project is free of misrepresentation.

Non-book formats

Stories are told in many forms besides traditional books—podcast, speech, board game lore, interactive, choice-based adventures, and more. They all need editing to please the audience!

Recommended for those who want to publish stories in other mediums.

An editing style that is

Reader centric
Author led
Story focused
Gen AI watercolor - icon of spectacles
Gen AI watercolor - icon of spectacles
Gen AI watercolor - icon of pen and ink
Gen AI watercolor - icon of pen and ink
Logic driven
Gen AI watercolor - icon of story book
Gen AI watercolor - icon of story book
Gen AI watercolor - icon of brain
Gen AI watercolor - icon of brain



I enjoy working on fantasy, sci-fi, crime and thriller, supernatural horror, romance, graphic novels, YA, middle grade, and kids' chapter and picture books. Literary fiction, novellas, short stories, or short story collections are also welcome.

Gen AI watercolor - icon of wizard hat
Gen AI watercolor - icon of wizard hat
Gen AI watercolor - icon of magnifying glass on book
Gen AI watercolor - icon of magnifying glass on book
Gen AI watercolor - icon of 'No' sign
Gen AI watercolor - icon of 'No' sign
Not sure what genre your project is?
Gen AI watercolor - icon of gear wheel
Gen AI watercolor - icon of gear wheel

I'm happy to take on a variety of genres—personal memoir, business, self-help and development, psychology, healthcare, comedy, social issues, sustainable living, philosophy, general science, and essay collections or anthologies.

Alternative formats

Stories do not have to be bound in a book to need editing. I can edit formats like choice-based branching stories, episodic podcasts, role-play game and board game arcs, and interactive text and animation books.

Not for me

Typically, I do not edit poetry, history, cookbooks, and heavily technical, religious, or political text.

Amazing Health book by Naomi Watson
Amazing Health book by Naomi Watson
”Every day, they strive to improve their service to the clients by developing the right blend of technology and creativity to make sure every job done is done as efficiently as possible.”
Amazing Health // Naomi Watson


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