Editing Style
What sort of quality will you get with Angler Editing? Here's everything you need to know, from key values to real editing examples.

For those who create art with words, writing is an incredibly personal process. It is a vulnerable expression of the musings and beliefs borne in our minds and an investment of our time and emotions. At Angler Editing (AE), this is always respected. Here, you are not only hiring an editor, but also a cheerleader!
You as the creator will always receive honest, but kind feedback in edits. The goal is to help you make your story, no matter what it looks like, the best that it can be for its audience. AE meets this goal by following four key values that you can read about below.
But as the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. Get a look at the type of edits and comments you might receive on your work with real examples of edits from past projects.

Reader centric
Readers today require compelling stories to hold their attention. Each will ask Why should I bother reading this book? AE always keeps your reader's experience central in all edits, tailoring the material of your narrative to what your specific audience expects and wants to see presented well.

Editing Values
Author led
An editor's job is to be a guide along the path that you, the author, chooses. AE advises with expertise, meeting you where you are and helping craft your story in a way that readers will truly value. Here, edits are always suggestions aimed at making your narrative more enticing for readers.
Story focused
Whether fiction or non-fiction, you have a story to tell, and to sell. An effective story comprises a clear arc, themes, and a point of view with a message. AE's work focuses on these elements, helping you thread them throughout your narrative so readers always feel connected to the story you are telling.
Logic driven
Nothing breaks a reader's immersion quite like a lack of logical flow. AE helps your narrative unfold in a manner that just makes sense. Readers will be introduced to events and concepts naturally, making them frictionless to digest and invest in.

Editing Examples
*All examples are used with permission